Can spray protect you from bed bugs?

An interesting press release crossed my desk today. And, I guess, interesting is in the eye of the beholder.

I consider myself an intrepid traveler, willing to put up with a lot to discover the joys of new places and adventures.

The spray is made from essential oils.

But all the news about increasing infestations of bed bugs, even at luxury properties,  is giving me the creeps. My husband travels frequently for work, often to New York City, and that, too has these little critters on my minds.

So I read with interest today about a new product  called Rest Easy, an all-natural spray sold online at and at national retailers like Bed, Bath and Beyond for $8.95 for a twin-pack of two, 2-oz. spray bottles.

I haven’t tried it yet so can’t recommend it at this point, but at that inexpensive price and in a size that works with carry-on, this is going with me on my next trip. And if my husband hits the road before I do, it’s going with him, too.

The company says the product is made from essential oils (cinnamon, lemongrass, clove, and mint), is safe, earth-friendly, and “even smells of minty goodness.”

Sleep tight.

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